Alfa Romeo 4C  |  Spotted in Birmingham, Michigan

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Alfa Romeo 4C spotted in Birmingham, Michigan

Details on This Alfa Romeo 4C:

  • Location
    Birmingham, Michigan
  • Description
    Spotted this Alfa Romeo 4C in Birmingham Michigan
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    Alfa Romeo   4C   Birmingham   Michigan   Italian  
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Comments (10 total)
Nice shot! The lights on the Euro-spec model have a bunch of little circles inside of them, and the US-spec model has these. Look at the difference:

(will post links soon)
Posted:  04/10/2015 18:41:17
I don't think they did hepclover, but I could be wrong.
Posted:  04/10/2015 18:03:17
did they redo the the front end?
Posted:  04/09/2015 22:10:45
Yeah the headlights are awesome looking. Love the design because it reminds me of a mini Ferrari.
Posted:  04/09/2015 12:36:45
never seen one with the headlights like that sick spot!
Posted:  04/08/2015 22:52:53
Beautiful shot!
Posted:  04/08/2015 22:46:52
This is so gorgous! L-F for sure
Posted:  04/08/2015 18:23:07
Got it fixed guys. Thanks. It is a beautiful car
Posted:  04/08/2015 18:20:47
Insane picture! And yeah just so you know if it was part of the show it isn't supposed to be on the site, but I'm sure it either isn't or you didn't know about the rule so it's not a big issue. :)
Posted:  04/08/2015 16:21:01
If this is part of the show it is illegal for this site I must ask u to take it down if it was
Posted:  04/08/2015 15:45:13
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