DeTomaso Pantera2  |  Spotted in Knoxville, Tennessee

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DeTomaso Pantera2 spotted in Knoxville, Tennessee

Details on This DeTomaso Pantera2:

  • Location
    Knoxville, Tennessee
  • Description
    Coming back from a Car show a couple of months back I ran up on a Google Maps car.
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  • Last active: 17 October 2024, 13:01
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Comments (6 total)
i have a marching band competition that day
Posted:  10/19/2015 18:52:56
You should head down to Atlanta on November 7, 2015 for Italian Car Day. :-)
Posted:  10/19/2015 18:15:04
sorry cant come :( I went to Atlanta today and I really can only handle 1 trip every month or two, and I am sorry, but Atlanta is a lot better because it is exotics only
Posted:  10/18/2015 22:04:44
Thank you so much. :-)

Come out to the Knoxville, TN Cars & Coffee next Sunday,October 25, 2015, I'll be there weather permitting. They hold them every 3 months; this July we had an official count of 3,320 cars. You'll see every conceivable type of car show up; last show there were 3 Panteras, at least a dozen different Ferraris, 6 Lamborghinis, and scores more. It's so big that there is no way you can possibly see it all over a 3 hour period.

It's held from 8-11 A.M. at the West Town Mall:,-84.0373848,15z
Posted:  10/18/2015 20:57:05
hey, I would love to see u at Nashville c&c or Atlanta c&o sometime, youre pantera is amazing
Posted:  10/18/2015 00:42:00
Here's a Link to the photos taken by the Google Car. You can click along and see some different views. I was heading Eastbound.,-84.0704065,3a,75y,106.49h,71.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIMMv-twOtPX9onnFxHZayQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Posted:  10/13/2015 22:53:12
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