Ferrari 612  |  Spotted in Guangzhou, China

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Ferrari 612 spotted in Guangzhou, China

Details on This Ferrari 612:

  • Location
    Guangzhou, China
  • Description
    This is the Taiji Kungfu version 612,yinyan white-Black two-tone
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  • Last active: 14 August 2015, 00:59
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Comments (3 total)
I think this is just some rich Chinese guy named Taiji Kungfu who decided to ruin the color on this car and called it his own version. But in reality, it is just a 612 with a bad color combo.
Posted:  11/19/2013 13:11:37
Doesn't exist - Google has never heard of it.
Posted:  11/19/2013 12:27:51
Never heard of that version before??? o.O
Looks more like an attempt at the Japanese police cars.
Posted:  11/19/2013 10:26:05
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