Ferrari California  |  Spotted in Huntsville, Alabama

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Ferrari California spotted in Huntsville, Alabama

Details on This Ferrari California:

  • Location
    Huntsville, Alabama
  • Description
    Spotted this gorgeous California T off University Drive. I was very pleased to see this because I did not know there was one in the area.
  • Spotted by
    AJ Ferrari
  • Date spotted
  • Tags
    Ferrari California T Huntsville Alabama  
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  • Spotter's rating: 22 (What's This?)
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  • Last active: 12 December 2021, 17:55
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Comments (9 total)
this shot and car is amazing alex
wonderful find on this one
Posted:  07/10/2015 00:30:12
@ferrarilover1019: I believe this California T resides in the Scottsboro area.
Posted:  06/07/2015 18:08:18
i went driving today and never saw a thing but i had no idea this car was in the area
Posted:  06/07/2015 01:05:08
AJ I actually think the wheels look aftermarket. I also hate the optional shields and center caps as well. I do like the car though.
Posted:  06/01/2015 15:34:55
I really think these wheels look good on the California T. How about you, West?
Posted:  06/01/2015 08:53:44
I like the dark red for the new T version. Excellent find AJ! How do you feel about the wheels?
Posted:  05/31/2015 09:13:31
This is a nice shot AJ, the lighting is awesome, you caught this at the perfect time
Posted:  05/30/2015 12:15:56
Thank you! I am glad my shot makes you like it just a tad more!
Posted:  05/30/2015 11:13:28
 1 like
AJ I do not typically like this car but I love your shot of it! Great find!
Posted:  05/30/2015 11:03:55
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