Ferrari F430  |  Spotted in Henderson, North Carolina

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Ferrari F430 spotted in Henderson, North Carolina

Details on This Ferrari F430:

  • Location
    Henderson, North Carolina
  • Description
    Getting gas at Sheetz. Had NC plates but defiantly from out of town, never even heard of it before. Picture quality isn't great but I thought it was pretty good since I had to take it from the back seat of an XKR.
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  • Tags
    ferrari   sheetz   gas   road trip  
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  • Last active: 11 April 2024, 12:59
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Comments (10 total)
I agree these only run descent on the higher grade fuel. These are maintenance sensitive cars to begin with.
Posted:  05/06/2015 05:36:27
Same. I couldn't believe it was at Sheetz though, they clean their gas less than others which can cause issues with the car.
Posted:  05/05/2015 19:35:25
I love gas station finds! Especially when the car is this nice.
Posted:  05/05/2015 18:48:45
 1 like
Randomly looking at my spots I realized I'm pretty sure I have seen this one before racing with an Aston and a Maserati Coupe down Creedmoor road several months ago.
Posted:  05/27/2014 22:26:50
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No, I didn't get a clear enough picture to have the plate. It wasn't a custom one though.
Posted:  05/20/2014 15:21:24
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You don't happen to be able to tell what the license plate is, can you? I have an unedited pic of the one in the link, and could tell you whether or not it was the same.
Posted:  05/18/2014 20:25:17
Not 100% sure its that one but it looks the same so probably is. Thanks!
Posted:  05/18/2014 20:09:13
If it's grey, it might be this one:

Nice spotting though. I haven't seen a Ferrari on the streets in months.
Posted:  05/18/2014 20:02:23
Thanks! This is the first Spider I've seen at all.
Posted:  05/18/2014 19:13:19
Awesome find! Never seen an F430 Spider in this color before.
Posted:  05/18/2014 19:07:19
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