Fisker Karma  |  Spotted in Charlotte, North Carolina

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Fisker Karma spotted in Charlotte, North Carolina

Details on This Fisker Karma:

  • Location
    Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Description
    Spotted this Fisker at the Southpark Mall last year. Forgot that I hadn't yet uploaded a second shot of it, so here is one. I'm not sure what to think of the rims...I sort of like them and sort of don't.
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    silver   fisker   karma   southpark mall   charlotte   nc  
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Comments (14 total)
Thanks! I agree with you about the color.
Posted:  06/04/2015 09:26:05
I really like the rims on this car. The car would look better with the blue color from the bentley tho
Posted:  06/03/2015 20:54:13
 1 like
Thanks a bunch West!
Posted:  06/03/2015 09:10:14
Great looking shot Nick! I actually love the wheels on this one!
Posted:  06/03/2015 05:29:08
 1 like
Thanks a bunch Bella!
Posted:  06/02/2015 20:08:43
Nice spot Nick!
Posted:  06/02/2015 19:45:29
 1 like
I think the would maybe look better if the car was black, dark blue, or red. All the silver just kind of runs together in my eyes. Anybody notice the Bentley sitting next to it? Haha
Posted:  06/02/2015 18:34:34
Love the rims!
Posted:  06/02/2015 18:20:38
 1 like
Thanks man! I guess I don't like the chrome lip around the edge, but other than that they look alright.
Posted:  06/02/2015 16:29:26
Nice shot Nick, love those rims! Wish the one I saw had those.
Posted:  06/02/2015 16:24:35
 1 like
Thanks guys! I think it used to be a regular at the mall, then something on it broke and nobody's seen it since.
Posted:  06/02/2015 15:54:38
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Nice! I saw one a couple days ago in the same color.
Posted:  06/02/2015 13:56:12
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I think that the wheels look quite good on this one, actually. Nice spot!
Posted:  06/02/2015 11:59:10
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Rims look suitable for this car IMO
Posted:  06/02/2015 11:17:23
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