Fisker Tramonto  |  Spotted in Century City, California

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Fisker Tramonto spotted in Century City, California

Details on This Fisker Tramonto:

  • Location
    Century City, California
  • Description
    I saw this car again, in an inside parking lot. At first I though it might be a different one, but same license plate. Now I'm wondering who it belongs to. Sorry that this pic is blurry, i was balancing between two cars in front of it, and it is taken from an Iphone.
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  • Spotter's rating: 195 (What's This?)
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  • Last active: 30 April 2017, 17:39
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Comments (6 total)
the karma is beautiful this is just ugly and there is only 10 in the world
Posted:  08/20/2013 00:24:55
It looks much better in real life, like a cross between a Vantage and an SL
Posted:  08/20/2013 00:23:39
i must say its god awful
Posted:  08/20/2013 00:22:42
Its one of 15, that's probably why!
Posted:  05/30/2013 23:47:18
never seen one of these before!
Posted:  05/30/2013 23:43:30
First like and fav'!
Posted:  05/30/2013 23:36:11
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