I honestly believe it was TVR.
When the 'Russian Business Boy' took over TVR, he had little knowledge of how to run a company. Only coming out with two new models, an updated Tuscan and Sagaris, he quickly had to stop production of his cars. When I heard about Smolenski closing the company, I was astonished. A company that had been making cars since 1947 had just gone bust. TVR has now been brought back by a new buyer, but I really don't have my hopes up.
As Andrew said, Tucker should have had a better life. The story was very captivating, and the car as a whole was very interesting. However, they wouldn't be worth as much today without it's amazing story.
Quite honestly, Vector Aeromotive should have the better light of day. The W8 was like the LaFerrari/P1/918 of today. High-tech, very fast, insane looking, and was attempting to make an impact on the automotive world. Unfortunately, the Indonesians took over, and the company crumbled from the inside out.
Last modified by
Xuhlikhul, 12 September 2013, 02:02