Today i managed to find this Mitsubishi Chariot Grandis from St. Petersburg, Russia...What made this is a strange occurance, was that it was a RHD car too...they say that 10% of all cars registered in Russia, are RHD. Over 50% of cars in the Vladivostok and Primorsky region (Far East Russia), are RHD, due to most being JDM Imports.
Considering Ohio is not a huge overseas destination, I haven't seen a ton :(
I have seen:
A lifted beat up Jeep from Alaska
A Chevy Aveo from Cayman Islands
A lot of canadian plates
Thats basically it... Oh yeah, some german and british plates too :)
Quite a few years ago I saw a Chevrolet Malibu with Yukon plates. They are in the shape of a polar bear, so it was pretty wacky. I didn't get any pictures though
Quite a few years ago I saw a Chevrolet Malibu with Yukon plates. They are in the shape of a polar bear, so it was pretty wacky. I didn't get any pictures though
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