My extremely un-scientific research:
There is 1008 spots from Florida in the database, oddly enough, there's exactly 1008 spots from California too.
EDIT: the numbers above are not correct, there seems to be some kind of bug because when you search any place it never shows more than 21 pages of pictures.
Then I'll use my Veyron-Index©, so I'll count how many Veyron spots there are from each state:
California: 261 Veyron spots.
Florida: 70 Veyron spots.
And Pagani-Index©, works the same way as Veyron-Index©:
California: 45 Pagani spots.
Florida: 2 Pagani spots.
And last, the Ferrari Enzo-Index©:
California: 80 Ferrari Enzo spots.
Florida: 35 Ferrari Enzo spots.
So we can conclude from here that both have lots of exotics, but California has more from the very high end of the spectrum.
I rest my case.
Last modified by
Chloe, 10 October 2013, 19:48