Lamborghini Aventador  |  Spotted in Pittsford, New York

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Lamborghini Aventador spotted in Pittsford, New York

Details on This Lamborghini Aventador:

  • Location
    Pittsford, New York
  • Description
    Saw this Lamborghini Aventador at the Pittsford Wemans with DjShift.
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    silver   gray   lamborghini   aventador   pittsord   ny  
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Comments (8 total)
Posted:  08/24/2016 21:09:49
Well is the guy like puerto-rican? And does he also own a white R8 cuz i know for sure the guy behind the wheel of this Aventador is puerto-rican and has a white R8.
Posted:  08/24/2016 21:05:00
Owner's name is Steve and he also has a Huracan
Posted:  08/24/2016 20:47:29
Wish i knew who owned this
Posted:  07/13/2016 15:51:31
Awesome spot!
Posted:  05/31/2016 18:55:56
 1 like
Thanks! I don't go to the city much at all but the one day i ended up going i saw this Aventador and honestly i freaked out because i never see good exotics where im at, ill be lucky if i see a new corvette.
Posted:  03/29/2016 01:13:33
Obviously not a bad first post, love the spec, and great angle!
Posted:  03/28/2016 21:55:47
Welcome to ES! Great shot, not bad for your first post.
Posted:  03/28/2016 21:24:11
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