Lamborghini Huracan  |  Spotted in Newport Beach, California

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Lamborghini Huracan spotted in Newport Beach, California

Details on This Lamborghini Huracan:

  • Location
    Newport Beach, California
  • Description
    This is my first Huracan spot. This Huracan and Aventador were parked with another Aventador, Gallardo Squadra Corsa, Diablo SE30, 650S Spider, MP4 Spider, Vantage S Roadster at Pelican Hill. I have seen Huracans in many colors in person but still can't seem to like it. Such a boring look from the rear compared to the first gen Gallardo. I really hope the design grows on me. What do you think of the looks of the Huracan?
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Comments (26 total)
@MrCar I love the side angle of the Huracan, but the front and rear to me seem so boring and unfinished. Great Performance and sound, but can't agree on the design.
Posted:  10/06/2014 20:22:35
The Huracan looks like some over-cartoony car that came out of a GTA game. Everytime I see pictures of one, all I can see is a video game car. I still like it's snazzy looks though!
Great combo and amazing shot!!!
Posted:  10/06/2014 20:20:18
I've never seen a One-77 yet. I've only seen 2 Veyrons in San Diego, know someone with an LFA, and still no P1's! I'm hoping to go to Car Week for the first time next August:)
Posted:  10/06/2014 20:05:44
the most exotic i've seen here are Veyron, One-77, LFA or P1.
bet you'd see all of them in a day during car week haha.
Posted:  10/06/2014 20:02:56
@hyoung90 Thank you Howard! I see Exotics every day, but not many of them are super crazy. I see a million Tesla's, Audi R8, Ferrari's every day, AMG's everywhere, and M's. I'll see something crazy every now and then but mostly average Exotics.
Posted:  10/06/2014 19:56:18
stunning shot Marc!!
you guys are so lucky.. living in Cali, i bet you see sh*t loads of exotics on a daily basis..
Posted:  10/06/2014 19:53:22
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