Maserati GranTurismo  |  Spotted in State College, Pennsylvania

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Maserati GranTurismo spotted in State College, Pennsylvania

Details on This Maserati GranTurismo:

  • Location
    State College, Pennsylvania
  • Description
    This beastly looking Maserati GranTurismo MC was parked in an alley in State College. The owner came out when I was taking pictures and asked me if I wanted to drive it! Of course! It was an absolute blast and it was sooooo loud!!!
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    Grey Maserati GranTurismo MC Sportline Stradale Alley  
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Comments (14 total)
Great spot! I think I saw that the other day on the highway, couldn't get a picture but it was still amazing!
Posted:  11/17/2015 18:02:43
 1 like
@statecollegeRoss, thank you, and I hope you get to have the same experience!
Posted:  08/25/2013 12:52:46
good choice andrew
Posted:  08/25/2013 12:40:33
Great thinking on that one. I don't even let people use my electric scooter. One time, I told my brother to watch my electric scooter because I needed to get something from the house, and a bunch of six-year-olds started using it, and they ended up scratching the sides down to the bare metal, ripped the charger outlet cover off, and made the back tire go flat. Never trust anyone with such an expensive car. You never know what might happen. Say they got killed.
Posted:  08/25/2013 11:22:57
So awesome you got that experience and great photography skills! I hope I get to meet this maserati owner! He sounds so awesome!
Posted:  08/25/2013 10:20:41
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andrew, do you let people drive you maserati????
Posted:  07/14/2013 16:07:50
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Thanks guys!
Posted:  07/14/2013 14:13:07
Thats an awesome story. L/F just for that, Nice shot too
Posted:  07/14/2013 13:14:42
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nice shot!!!!!!
Posted:  07/14/2013 13:12:53
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Lol cool owner. I'd never let anyone drive my car without knowing they were legally allowed to drive. Then again, some of the people I've seen driving legally should not be behind the wheel of any vehicle. Anyway, awesome shot!
Posted:  07/14/2013 10:42:59
I'm 18. I asked the owner if he wanted to see my drivers license and he said no lol.
Posted:  07/14/2013 09:34:59
Wow nice. How old are you btw? Its ok if you don't want to answer.
Posted:  07/14/2013 00:13:06
Yeah it is definitely something I will always remember!
Posted:  07/13/2013 22:19:05
That's awesome man.
Posted:  07/13/2013 22:15:31
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