Nissan GT-R  |  Spotted in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Nissan GT-R spotted in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Details on This Nissan GT-R:

  • Location
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Description
    Finally, I got to spot the Dubai Police GTR in the wild. Really hope this gets featured because Dubai Police GTR is pretty rare and this is the first shot on the site.
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  • Tags
    Dubai   Police   Nissan   GTR   Night   United   Arab   Emirates  
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  • Spotter's rating: 33 (What's This?)
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  • Last active: 21 July 2022, 21:52
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Comments (8 total)
I clicked the link. Nice, very nice. Why don't we have police cars like that here in the US of A? Oh wait, we do.
Posted:  05/14/2014 10:23:23
@Jamaal01: Yep, all of them are on actual patrol. The video you saw, was it by any chance the launch of Police Veyron?? If yes, then that was just like a march or parade (because the supercars don't patrol together). But yep, they do patrol, infact, if you click on the link below, you'll find some pics of them patrolling on highways and streets.

@beckerman: Thanx man. Check this out:-
Posted:  05/14/2014 09:43:24
I expect more pics from you. Nice job, can't wait to see more.
Posted:  05/14/2014 07:54:44
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Are all these cars on actual patrol ive seen videos of these from Shmee inside somewhere and then drives off wats up with that
Posted:  05/14/2014 05:45:21
Thank you everyone!
Posted:  04/27/2014 13:35:44
Nice find Yasir this looks so cool!!!!
Posted:  04/26/2014 21:59:57
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Great spot!
Posted:  04/26/2014 19:28:02
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Posted:  04/26/2014 18:53:07
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