Noble M12 GTO 3R  |  Spotted in Miami, Florida

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Noble M12 GTO 3R spotted in Miami, Florida

Details on This Noble M12 GTO 3R:

  • Location
    Miami, Florida
  • Description
    Yacht parking bay in downtown Miami, across from the JW Marriott
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  • Last active: 07 February 2015, 09:04
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Comments (10 total)
Omg! I walked past one of these in Edinburgh airport and just walked past! Grr!
Posted:  09/21/2013 15:17:04
 1 like
Oh la la! Ma lycee est entrain d'organiser une vacance en France l'annee prochaine. Mais, je ne vais pas aller :c
Posted:  06/03/2013 21:06:30
Tu parle francais? Tres bien! I'm leaving to go to France in about a week.
Posted:  06/03/2013 21:01:41
I don't go up to Carmel much anymore after my Français teacher moved down from there to near (and by near i mean three blocks away) where i live
Posted:  06/03/2013 16:54:13
It's right by the arts district. They have a good number of exotics at any given time. I like them because they let me sit in a Murcielago.
Posted:  06/03/2013 16:37:27
Abreu Motors

never heard of them, but they got some good taste c:
Posted:  06/03/2013 16:21:24
There is one at Abreu Motors in Carmel right now...great spot!
Posted:  06/03/2013 16:13:23
I know a dealership that is selling one of those
Posted:  06/03/2013 15:42:40
Posted:  06/03/2013 15:38:04
Great spot
Posted:  06/03/2013 15:33:39
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