Prova is one of the best Countach replica manufacturers. They even nail the interior, which is difficult to do with these cars because of the shape of the dashboard, etc. Usually with Countach replicas it's the interiors that give them away, but we don't have that here.
I do find it kind of disappointing most people here agree it's a replica and yet it has 29 likes.
Either someone made that middle piece to cover up the exhaust, etc, or this is a replica. There is no way Lamborghini made that piece with the sharp edges on it. That's the problem with Countach kits ... companies have been making them so long that the dimensions, lights, badges etc are almost spot-on.
I think it is a replica, then, and I'm changing my opinion, and after further review, here's why: I copied this pic and pasted into paint. I looked online and found a similar picture of the back: and noticed that this car's decals are set higher, the middle diffuser/splitter thingy is different, and the lights are different. If this is TRULY A REPLICA, by golly, it's a pretty nice replica.
i was gonna say as well, aside from the rear view mirrors as i commented on the previous photo, the rear is not wide enough, also in the front view there appears to be all these extra intakes on the sides, that i've never seen on a real one
I'm going with replica on this one, the plate around the exhaust is different than on any real one I've seen. Real ones don't wrap all the way around the exhaust tips. If it's a replica it's a very well done example. Nice spot either way!
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