Other Other  |  Spotted in Ahrweiler, Germany

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Other Other spotted in Ahrweiler, Germany

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    Ahrweiler, Germany
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    Very rare isdera spyder!!
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Comments (4 total)
gnasher. Very funny. Yea, I know. Too much, huh? Read a text book. I coulda just said Hey what's up with so on & so forth. But I didn't just wanna be an A H. I know, too late for that sentiment. I wanted to help, if I could, be meaningful, if possible. There's not too much content on this site. Even if I'm wrong. I've never seen anything like all the verticals. Curious, maybe one leg is much shorter than the other. Maybe I'll learn something, too. Take a chance, wait & see. Make a difference. One thing leads to another, like automatic writing. I've never laid it out there like that before, see how it goes. More details to follow.
Posted:  09/08/2016 00:34:36
more detail pls fasteppy
Posted:  09/07/2016 23:33:47
Isdero, man, buddy. Somebody's gotta tell you, so I guess It's gonna be me. I specialize in the obvious. 86% of your photos are vertical in a horizontal world. YOUR world as well. I.E. no Alps or skyscrapers. Judging by your photo, if that is you, your eyes seem to be normally placed, unless your Foster Grants are disguising something. Buying earmuffs for you at Xmas time would not be a nightmare. Cars are wider, longer than they are taller. So you got the cars, the world, & your eyes all lining up ------this way, not IIIIIII this way. Are you aware that your preference is vertical? Do you know why? If it's to be different, you are different, and worse. Do you have a bad elbow that prevents shifting the camera 90 degrees? Did you hear that famous rumor about Les Paul? Hey I hate rules, I'm not about selling you rules, rules of turds, whatever the rule. Your best composition is the Dodge Viper. Your red Maserati vintage fine vertical, the architecture helps the sense of place, & is in contrast to the organic form of the car. There is too much grass & concrete in the rest of your pics. Or too much sky. Lousy composition, okay, debatable. I think so. Just 1 opinion. But Having too much real estate, or sky, can effect the accuracy of your exposure. If the sky is too light, the ground is too dark, depending on your metering choice (manual or automatic; spot, center weighted, or multi zoned...whatever it's called) you can adversely effect the exposure of the car. Actually, your exposures aren't terrible, C'c & B's. Couple of A's. Best are the 2 Maseratis 3500 & ? where all of the shades of gray & tones are close. Worst is the Other Other duo, The bright sky is closing down your aperture & making the cars too dark. Point being, a horizontal composition usually provides more even tones and a more even exposure. Minimize the light top & the dark bottom. Also get closer to the cars, or change your metering option if it's possible. get your exposure off of the car not the scene. If you're not sure, bracket.And then get closer, closer. A suggestion: when photographing, do it your way, vertical, and just because, make yourself try some horizontal shots. Different compositions, closer. You'll then have somethings of your own to compare, & you can make real choices. If you want to spend money (all the previous is only picture taking) buy, borrow, rent a wide angle lens & get real close. Many verticals will work that way. Most importantly, look at ALL of the car magazine photos that you can. You'll see what the best photographers do & it should provide inspiration. Sorry. Enough. I mean well. Put the camera on MANUAL exposure so you'll learn how the camera works. That's the only way to get smart fast.
Posted:  09/07/2016 23:10:02
Didn't you take a horizontal pic? WHAT A FINDING!!!!! WOW.
Posted:  09/07/2016 13:18:55
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