Other Other  |  Spotted in Apple valley, Minnesota

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Other Other spotted in Apple valley, Minnesota

Details on This Other Other:

  • Location
    Apple valley, Minnesota
  • Description
    Campagna motors T-rex driving up hearld way at a fast rate of speed
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  • Spotter's rating: 1780 (What's This?)
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  • Last active: 01 February 2019, 22:14
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Comments (10 total)
ya mods feature stuff if they feel it is worthly, they always feature the t-rex though

nice find
Posted:  07/02/2013 17:00:56
This is a really cool spot. It looks right out of a sci fi movie.
Posted:  07/02/2013 16:55:18
i really like the 3s kit, but if i owned a t-rex id keep the original body because i think the whole point is to have that open air drive, not closed in
Posted:  06/22/2013 12:44:18
areo 3s body kit. too much for my taste
Posted:  06/20/2013 17:54:44
 1 like
Thanks :) im still trying to get a pic at night, theres like neon lights in it. Really sick to see.
Posted:  06/20/2013 15:36:37
The glitch is gone. If moderators believe a spot is interesting enough, they can feature it even if it is in an unfeatured category.
Posted:  06/20/2013 15:33:49
 1 like
But great spot!!!
This T-Rex does look awesome!!!!!
Posted:  06/20/2013 15:33:19
I think he means how is this featured? I thought the glitch was gone.
Posted:  06/20/2013 15:32:44
Thought it looked cool and its not a very typical thing to see
Posted:  06/20/2013 15:24:48
Why is this featured?
Posted:  06/20/2013 15:08:56
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