Other Other  |  Spotted in Chicago, Illinois

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Other Other spotted in Chicago, Illinois

Details on This Other Other:

  • Location
    Chicago, Illinois
  • Description
    Strange car in Chicago! It's a ~2007 Avanti Convertible, based on the Studebaker Avanti from the 1960's, its powered by a Rousch V6 engine and it was made in Mexico, this is all the info I got from the internet haha
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    Avanti Convertible Chicago Illinois September 2012  
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  • Last active: 19 August 2024, 17:20
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Comments (9 total)
@djshift- same
Posted:  09/15/2013 13:18:14
I've seen a lot of old ones but none of these.
Posted:  09/15/2013 12:21:14
thats true but it is still an avanti
Posted:  09/15/2013 11:23:02
It's not made by Studebaker though.
Posted:  09/15/2013 10:34:04
it is the newer version of it
Posted:  09/15/2013 10:22:43
This is awesome! I've never seen one, only in pictures and want one so bad! I like the old ones, but i think this is cooler.
Posted:  09/15/2013 09:11:22
This is not even CLOSE to the Studebaker Avanti!
Posted:  09/15/2013 08:56:44
Studebaker Avanti AWESOME!
Posted:  01/21/2013 18:26:21
I thought these were/are made in Pennysylvania.
Posted:  09/23/2012 20:29:33
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