Porsche 356  |  Spotted in Auckland, New Zealand

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Porsche 356 spotted in Auckland, New Zealand

Details on This Porsche 356:

  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  • Description
    Stunning 356 combo in the spectator lot of the Ellerslie Concours. This Grey 356 with the sneaky Red 356 in the back. One of NZ's rarer combos.
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Comments (18 total)
Thanks Sam :)
Posted:  03/03/2016 18:04:44
Ur pics just get better and better great work
Posted:  03/03/2016 10:34:14
Oh, and to add to this combo here, there's also a Triumph Stag, a Classic Mini and an Audi R8 just visible. So all in all there's a lot.
2 Porsche 356's, a Toyota FJ, a Triumph GT6, a Rover MG, a Morris Minor, a Chevy Camaro, a Classic Mini, a Audi R8 and a Triumph Stag.
Posted:  03/03/2016 08:35:59
Yeah, don't worry, I've looked at all of that haha. Maintenance will be relatively easy as my Dad is an engineer, and he knows literally everything about engines, so it will be a breeze with that. Insurance on a classic car over here in NZ is so cheap, it ends up being roughly $200 a year to insure the car. Price is my main worry now. Just need to look at cars in my price range. Classics are relatively cheap in NZ, so it won't be hard picking one up. Thanks for the tips though :) Will definitely take them into consideration when viewing my first classic.
Posted:  03/03/2016 03:39:26
You need to keep reliability, maintenance, price and insurance in mind when shopping for a first car. Not sure if a classic would be the best option or not.
Posted:  03/03/2016 03:29:46
Thankyou Lamborarri :) And thanks again for the comment on the Morris. We picked it up last Saturday. That day I ended up having a Gallardo drive past us in the opposite direction, but missed it! Would have been a great shot if I was in my Mums car, not with my Dad in the Morris, cause it would have been like a Old VS New combo shot!!

And yes Nick, the classic car field is definitely the way to go. We have a classic car event over here called Caffiene and Classics, so we will take our little Morris down there :) When I get my classic, I can cruise with my Dad down to the event, and we can park up together :) Haha. Do you own a classic car? Or would you ever own one?
Posted:  03/03/2016 01:25:15
I'd take the red 356 in black. Nice shot Luke!! And that's really cool that you guys have a Morris Minor.
Posted:  03/02/2016 23:44:37
Ah understood. I've always thought MGBs were cool, as were TR6s. I still see both of those around somewhat regularly so there seems to be a good community of fellow owners.
Posted:  03/02/2016 23:33:06
I'm not sure if it will be a daily tbh. I'm in my final year of school, so when I head to University next year, then I guess I will daily it to Uni and back. Fuel won't be a super expensive bill, cause classics don't run through fuel like modern cars do haha (depending on the car). Luckily my dad is an Engineer, so he will be able to help a lot with the repairs in the car. Plus, he knows a few people who get high quality parts for classic cars, at a relatively cheap price. So, depending on the current quality of the car I purchase, depends on whether I daily it or not, cause I don't wanna daily a relatively unsafe car haha.
Posted:  03/02/2016 23:22:58
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Oh haha. Is it going to be a daily driver? My dad replaced the clutch on an MGB a couple years back and it was pretty quirky to work on, and older cars in general just aren't quite as reliable (mostly because the parts have a ton of miles on them). It was a cool little car, although all I got to do was back it out of the garage (my dad didn't really trust me to double clutch it, plus it wasn't his car) so I'm not sure what it's like to drive.
Posted:  03/02/2016 23:15:21
Haha Nick, not quite old enough. I was looking at Old Minis, Morris Minors, Ford Escorts, Porsches, Old VW Beetles, Triumphs, mainly old classic English cars.
Posted:  03/02/2016 23:05:23
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An early Miata : ) Very reliable, fun to drive, but not too powerful to get you in trouble. Not sure if that's classic enough though lol.
Posted:  03/02/2016 23:00:46
Any Japanese car is insanely reliable, so I'm not surprised people are driving them around. I am actually in the process of saving up and buying my first car, which will be a classic. Not gonna waste time on any of these new modern cars, cause they all look the same. I wanna own something that leaves a smile on both my face, and other peoples faces, cause classics always make people smile!! What would your idea of a perfect classic car be?? What you choose Nick?
Posted:  03/02/2016 22:51:53
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I will keep an eye out for any photos you post of it! And I've always liked the FJ, see them around occasionally and think they're the coolest things. Apparently they are INSANELY reliable and easy to repair which is why they are still (somewhat) driven.
Posted:  03/02/2016 14:22:37
Thanks Bella :)
Posted:  03/02/2016 03:47:28
Nice combo spot, Luke!
Posted:  03/02/2016 02:44:38
Ahh yeah forgot to point that out haha. There's the FJ, a Triumph GT6, a Rover MG, 2 356's, a Morris Minor and a 1969 Chevy Camaro. You may end up seeing combo photos soon of exotics and our new 1960 Morris Minor :)
Posted:  03/02/2016 01:37:37
Dat Toyota FJ tho...
Posted:  03/02/2016 00:27:08
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