Rolls Royce Silver Cloud  |  Spotted in Boston, Massachusetts

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Rolls Royce Silver Cloud spotted in Boston, Massachusetts

Details on This Rolls Royce Silver Cloud:

  • Location
    Boston, Massachusetts
  • Description
    Saw this 1958 Silver Cloud on Arlington Street near the Taj Boston. It was carrying a wedding couple to Boston Common.
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    Rolls Royce   Silver Cloud   Boston   Massachusetts  
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Comments (5 total)
Um... That's still not pimping a car... that's called "Starting a rental business with a White RR."

Also, I don't think there is any kind of paintjob on earth that costs $100.
Posted:  07/24/2014 08:45:00
I'm sorry my comment caused so much confusion. Allow me to explain.

I did not mean that the car was "pimped out". I meant that a man who buys a fine automobile like this car, slaps a $100 white paint job on it, and then rents it out to idiots for their frigging wedding, is a pimp! Just like a man who runs some girls for $100 an hour to put money in his pocket. That man is a pimp.
Posted:  07/23/2014 23:43:36
I don't know if I'd call it 'pimped'. Just refurbished and cleaned up.
Posted:  07/23/2014 19:47:10
How is this car "pimped"?
Posted:  07/23/2014 07:56:32
Oh dear. Yet another wedding rental company pimping a Rolls-Royce, to put 'pocket change' in some cheese bags pocket!
Posted:  07/22/2014 23:21:17
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