Spotter 5amuel_M3ndoza
Spotter's rating: 961 (What's This?)
5amuel_M3ndoza's profile
  • Name Samuel Mendoza
  • Age 27
  • Gender Male
  • From Venezuela , Caracas
  • About Me Since I can remember I have always been interested and adored everything related to the automotive industry. My passion has always been fed more and more to trifles like Hot Wheels toys, Matchbox, Maisto, etc. and for the famous videogames Gran Turismo, Need For Speed, Test Drive, etc. I am currently working as a mechanic assistant to pay for my university studies in automotive technology. I have several years trying to graduate as soon as possible, but I also live and try to survive with my family, in the midst of the chaos that Venezuela has become in these last decades. Well here I am on this wonderful website, it is a pleasure to share spotteds and things with everyone in this community
  • Interests There are many reasons why. My love of cars take me to my decision to have a future in the automotive industry. The automotive industry is becoming an increasingly tech-driven field. As technology advances, automakers are following close behind, looking for new ways to integrate mobile and wireless components into the driver experience. So I have passion for computer sciences and innovation, a career on the front lines of the automotive technology field it’s exactly just what I’m looking for. I also like to play driving games, so I also enjoy piloting these machines digitally before I start driving for real. So my reasons for wanting to work in the automotive industry is not just because of the way cars work but also how enjoyable it is to drive them as well as design them. I can’t wait to get myself started. Cars, Anime, Art, Video games, music
  • Website