Spotter fastcarsinfo
Spotter's rating: 337 (What's This?)
Fastcarsinfo's profile
  • Name Matthew Heung
  • Age 24
  • Gender Male
  • From China , Hong Kong
  • About Me Hi! I'm Matthew and I will tell you about my hobby on cars. I loved cars since 2002, I started this hobby because my grandma gave me a toy car as a birthday gift and I started to addict in cars. when I was about 9, I started to remember the names of the cars and the brands of the cars. Now, I am 14, I remembered all the super cars names and information so I decided to make a website. I tell my friend Jonathan to assist me because he is a computer genius and he also love cars. We made this website with our spare time and we decided to make it look great for others. We put in the latest cars and of cause the classic cars of famous car brands. I can now tell the names of cars quickly and accurate. Sometimes in Hong Kong, I saw different fast cars on the street, every time, I tried to take photos of them and keep the photos. It is really awesome.I hope our website can be successful, great and helpful to you.
  • Interests Fast Cars and photography.
  • Website