Spyker C8  |  Spotted in Chagrin Falls, Ohio

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Spyker C8 spotted in Chagrin Falls, Ohio

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    Chagrin Falls, Ohio
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Comments (13 total)
Sweet find. One of my all time favorite cars
Posted:  06/18/2014 12:31:28
Please stop complaining about dislikes. Everyone has the right to rate the photos however they please. Even the very best photos get dislikes. The more you complain about it, the more people will click dislike. Your ratio of likes to dislikes is 10 to 1, nothing to complain about.
Posted:  07/19/2012 12:48:14
looks like my post keep being deleted by the admins, so if you wanna complain to me just inbox me if u see this message
Posted:  07/19/2012 09:19:50
Wow!! I've never seen that car :(
Posted:  07/19/2012 09:18:18
Unfortunately I did read every single comment under the Enzo pic. I didn't see any trolling in the comments. I saw an argument between you and Zankes over the most trivial things.

I wasn't on anyone's "side" until you completely lost me when you started touting off what you do, how much you make a year, what you and your father know, etc, like it even f*cking matters. And then you, an 18-year-old, start calling other people "kids". Give me a break.

Then you start threatening the other guy with jailtime? Really? Over internet bickering on a car photography website? Jesus, what a f*cking crybaby.

The only thing I got out of that entire b*tchfest was you coming off as a pompous, arrogant, self-centered little brat who has a lot of growing up to do.

Everyone's pictures get trolled with dislikes. Big deal. It shouldn't even cause the slightest bit of concern to anyone because it means absolutely nothing.
Posted:  07/19/2012 08:46:35
KenstonLAX, grow a spine and don't let small things bother you that much.

Anyway, this is a great spot. I really like Spykers.
Posted:  07/19/2012 08:06:50
If u read Wat happened on my Enzo pic, it wasn't just a dislike it was trolling.
Posted:  07/19/2012 07:22:47
How does anybody get so butt-hurt over a "dislike" to one of their own pictures on a website? "Oh no! Someone disliked a pic I took of a car on the internet! Call the police! The world is out to get me!"

Even if you get 100 dislikes, WHO. THE. F*CK. CARES?!?!?!?

Talk about being thin-skinned. If you cry so much over something like this, how the hell do you deal with REAL life issues? Is your life so sad that something as utterly and ridiculously trivial as this gets you this worked up?? Seriously...

Stuff like this is so pathetic it's unbelievable. Grow up, grow a pair of balls and get a life people.
Posted:  07/19/2012 01:18:57
this is awesome
Posted:  07/18/2012 19:35:18
this dislike was in literally 30 seconds of me posting it, and it was trolling
Posted:  07/18/2012 16:11:22
ya zankey or something like tht trolled all of them
Posted:  07/18/2012 16:00:00
Nice spot!!! Never seen a Spyker and not many people have... :D
Posted:  07/18/2012 15:56:35
Posted:  07/18/2012 15:47:53
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