Vision SZR  |  Spotted in Beverly Hills, California

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Vision SZR spotted in Beverly Hills, California

Details on This Vision SZR:

  • Location
    Beverly Hills, California
  • Description
    I was on my motorcycle on Wilshire Blvd heading west when I saw this on Linden Dr.
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  • Tags
    Orange   Linden Dr   Vision SZR   Beverly Hills   Super Car   California-built exotic  
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Comments (9 total)
It's ironic. It's called "Vision" but the first thing some people would want to do when they see this is go blind.
Posted:  06/30/2014 19:36:38
Love the rims, not the body as much. No true distinguishment between other cars, but id still like to see it in person
Posted:  06/25/2013 06:22:11
Uffff..! Es Muy Bacano :)
Posted:  05/12/2011 19:30:04
 1 like
its a 2011 Vision SZR
Posted:  04/28/2011 15:15:03
That's just ugly.
Posted:  03/24/2011 17:25:11
 1 like
Wicked car m8! I love those mental rims though! Just put them on a Peugeot 205 GTI and your respect will go up so fast lol
Posted:  03/11/2011 10:23:24
@jorge269andian5555: That is a Vision SZR California-built exotic. Just look up Vision SZR.
Posted:  03/10/2011 12:48:54
Those rims look cool, but they have a lot of sharp lines in them and I think they would look nicer on a car that wasn't so round. If that made any sense. Just my opinion though.
Posted:  03/03/2011 14:39:58
forgive my ignorance.. but what is it? looks amazing!
Posted:  03/02/2011 17:46:54
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