Other Unknown  |  Spotted in Essen, Germany

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Other Unknown spotted in Essen, Germany

Details on This Other Unknown:

  • Location
    Essen, Germany
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    I don't know what it is. parked on Ideenpark Essen.
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Comments (7 total)
saw this on worlds most expensive rides (tv show) its a mad new truck design that improoves speeds and wind resistance, the driver seat also automatically flies backwards if in a head on crash to avoid driver injury. there a few other cool tricks it has
Posted:  03/27/2013 14:41:45
It's an experimental truck by Luigi Colani. Very nice find!
Posted:  03/27/2013 14:39:24
I think it's the German cousin to our (USA) Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile. Pretty sure it's called the Oskar Meier Brat Mobile. It's the same color as a bratwurst, that's what gives it away. The mustard and sauerkraut are in the trunk.
Posted:  03/07/2013 17:46:58
ive seen it on tv its ment to have a big trailer and has room in it for two gumpert apollos
Posted:  10/19/2012 20:44:21
Intresting Commentar =)
Posted:  09/06/2012 08:02:19
No Showcar
It drives.
Someone an Idea what Type it is ?
Posted:  09/03/2012 07:15:30
this is a alien in a costume so nobody knows its true identity
Posted:  09/02/2012 14:32:01
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