Spotter Pakistano
Spotter's rating: 2266 (What's This?)
Pakistano's profile
  • Name Farooq
  • Age 34
  • Gender Male
  • From Germany , Bottrop
  • About Me Make a Education to a gardner. My Car is a Mercedes-Benz C220 CDI '08 My Greatest Cars i saw on Street are : Ferrari Enzo / Porsche 911 Speedster '10 / Bitter Vero / Irmscher Seight Seven / Maybach Brabus 57S / deTomaso Pantera GTS / Opel Lotus Omega / Ferrari F40 / F50. My Favourite Cars are SportCars & SuperSportCars mostly Japanese and American Cars.
  • Interests Cars, XBox 360, WEB, BallSports like Football, Basketball and Tabletennis